Source code for

#  Copyright (c) 2020 IBM Corp.
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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The ``io.spacy`` module contains I/O functions related to the SpaCy_ NLP library.

.. _SpaCy:

import re
import string

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from text_extensions_for_pandas.array.span import (
from text_extensions_for_pandas.array.token_span import (

# To avoid creating an unnecessary dependency on SpaCy for non-SpaCy
# applications, we do NOT `import spacy` at the top level of this file,
# and we do NOT include type hints for SpaCy types in the function
# signatures below.


[docs]def simple_tokenizer() -> "spacy.tokenizer.Tokenizer": """ :returns: Singleton instance of a SpaCy tokenizer that splits text on all whitespace and all punctuation characters. This type of tokenization is recommended for dictionary and regular expression matching. """ global _SIMPLE_TOKENIZER if _SIMPLE_TOKENIZER is None: # noinspection PyPackageRequirements import spacy punct_chars = re.escape(string.punctuation) prefix_re = re.compile(f"^[{punct_chars}]") suffix_re = re.compile(f"[{punct_chars}]$") infix_re = re.compile(f"[{punct_chars}]") empty_vocab = spacy.vocab.Vocab() _SIMPLE_TOKENIZER = spacy.tokenizer.Tokenizer(empty_vocab,,, infix_finditer=infix_re.finditer) return _SIMPLE_TOKENIZER
[docs]def make_tokens(target_text: str, tokenizer: "spacy.tokenizer.Tokenizer" = None) \ -> pd.Series: """ :param target_text: Text to tokenize :param tokenizer: Preconfigured `spacy.tokenizer.Tokenizer` object, or None to use the tokenizer returned by :func:`simple_tokenizer()` :return: The tokens (and underlying text) as a Pandas Series wrapped around a :class:`SpanArray` value. """ if tokenizer is None: tokenizer = simple_tokenizer() spacy_doc = tokenizer(target_text) tok_begins = np.array([t.idx for t in spacy_doc]) tok_ends = np.array([t.idx + len(t) for t in spacy_doc]) return pd.Series(SpanArray(target_text, tok_begins, tok_ends))
[docs]def make_tokens_and_features( target_text: str, language_model, add_left_and_right=False, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ :param target_text: Text to analyze :param language_model: Preconfigured spaCy language model (`spacy.language.Language`) object :param add_left_and_right: If ``True``, add columns "left" and "right" containing references to previous and next tokens. :return: A tuple of two dataframes: 1. The tokens of the text plus additional linguistic features that the language model generates, represented as a `pd.DataFrame`. 2. A table of named entities identified by the language model's named entity tagger, represented as a `pd.DataFrame`. """ spacy_doc = language_model(target_text) # TODO: Performance tuning of the translation code that follows # Represent the character spans of the tokens tok_begins = np.array([t.idx for t in spacy_doc]) tok_ends = np.array([t.idx + len(t) for t in spacy_doc]) tokens_array = SpanArray(target_text, tok_begins, tok_ends) tokens_series = pd.Series(tokens_array) # Also build single-token token-based spans to make it easier to build # larger token-based spans. token_spans = TokenSpanArray.from_char_offsets(tokens_series.array) # spaCy identifies tokens by semi-arbitrary integer "indexes" (in practice, # the offset of the first character in the token). Translate from these # to a dense range of integer IDs that will correspond to the index of our # returned DataFrame. idx_to_id = {spacy_doc[i].idx: i for i in range(len(spacy_doc))} # Define the IOB categorical type with "O" == 0, "B"==1, "I"==2 iob2_dtype = pd.CategoricalDtype(["O", "B", "I"], ordered=False) df_cols = { "id": range(len(tok_begins)), "span": tokens_series, "lemma": [t.lemma_ for t in spacy_doc], "pos": pd.Categorical([str(t.pos_) for t in spacy_doc]), "tag": pd.Categorical([str(t.tag_) for t in spacy_doc]), "dep": pd.Categorical([str(t.dep_) for t in spacy_doc]), "head": np.array([idx_to_id[t.head.idx] for t in spacy_doc]), "shape": pd.Categorical([t.shape_ for t in spacy_doc]), "ent_iob": pd.Categorical([str(t.ent_iob_) for t in spacy_doc], dtype=iob2_dtype), "ent_type": pd.Categorical([str(t.ent_type_) for t in spacy_doc]), "is_alpha": np.array([t.is_alpha for t in spacy_doc]), "is_stop": np.array([t.is_stop for t in spacy_doc]), "sentence": _make_sentences_series(spacy_doc, tokens_array), } if add_left_and_right: # Use nullable int type because these columns contain nulls df_cols["left"] = pd.array( [None] + list(range(len(tok_begins) - 1)), dtype=pd.Int32Dtype() ) df_cols["right"] = pd.array( list(range(1, len(tok_begins))) + [None], dtype=pd.Int32Dtype() ) return pd.DataFrame(df_cols)
def _make_sentences_series(spacy_doc, tokens: SpanArray): """ Subroutine of :func:`make_tokens_and_features` :param spacy_doc: parsed document (:class:`spacy.tokens.doc.Doc`) from a spaCy language model :param tokens: Token information for the current document as a :class:`SpanArray` object. Must contain the same tokens as `spacy_doc`. :returns: a Pandas DataFrame Series containing the token span of the (single) sentence that the token is in """ num_toks = len(spacy_doc) # Generate the [begin, end) intervals that make up a series of spans begin_tokens = np.full(shape=num_toks, fill_value=-1, dtype=np.int32) end_tokens = np.full(shape=num_toks, fill_value=-1, dtype=np.int32) for sent in spacy_doc.sents: begin_tokens[sent.start: sent.end] = sent.start end_tokens[sent.start: sent.end] = sent.end return pd.Series(TokenSpanArray(tokens, begin_tokens, end_tokens))
[docs]def token_features_to_tree( token_features: pd.DataFrame, text_col: str = "span", tag_col: str = "tag", label_col: str = "dep", head_col: str = "head", ): """ Convert a DataFrame in the format returned by `make_tokens_and_features()` to the public input format of displaCy's dependency tree renderer. :param token_features: A subset of a token features DataFrame in the format returned by `make_tokens_and_features()`. Must at a minimum contain the `head` column and an integer index that corresponds to the ints in the `head` column. :param text_col: Name of the column in `token_features` from which the 'covered text' label for each node of the parse tree should be extracted, or `None` to leave those labels blank. :param tag_col: Name of the column in `token_features` from which the 'tag' label for each node of the parse tree should be extracted; or `None` to leave those labels blank. :param label_col: Name of the column in `token_features` from which the label for each edge of the parse tree should be extracted; or `None` to leave those labels blank. :param head_col: Name of the column in `token_features` from which the head node of each parse tree node should be extracted. :returns: Native Python type representation of the parse tree in a format suitable to pass to ``displacy.render(manual=True ...)`` See for the specification of this format. """ # displaCy expects most inputs as strings. Centralize this conversion. def _get_text(col_name): if col_name is None: return np.zeros(shape=len(token_features.index), dtype=str) series = token_features[col_name] if isinstance(series.dtype, (SpanDtype, TokenSpanDtype)): return series.values.covered_text else: return series.astype(str) # Renumber the head column to a dense range starting from zero tok_map = {token_features.index[i]: i for i in range(len(token_features.index))} # Note that we turn any links to tokens not in our input rows into # self-links, which will get removed later on. head_tok = token_features[head_col].values remapped_head_tok = [] for i in range(len(token_features.index)): remapped_head_tok.append(tok_map[head_tok[i]] if head_tok[i] in tok_map else i) words_df = pd.DataFrame({"text": _get_text(text_col), "tag": _get_text(tag_col)}) edges_df = pd.DataFrame( { "from": range(len(token_features.index)), "to": remapped_head_tok, "label": _get_text(label_col), } ) # displaCy requires all arcs to have their start and end be in # numeric order. An additional attribute "dir" tells which way # (left or right) each arc goes. arcs_df = pd.DataFrame( { "start": edges_df[["from", "to"]].min(axis=1), "end": edges_df[["from", "to"]].max(axis=1), "label": edges_df["label"], "dir": "left", } ) arcs_df["dir"].mask(edges_df["from"] > edges_df["to"], "right", inplace=True) # Don't render self-links arcs_df = arcs_df[arcs_df["start"] != arcs_df["end"]] return { "words": words_df.to_dict(orient="records"), "arcs": arcs_df.to_dict(orient="records"), }
[docs]def render_parse_tree( token_features: pd.DataFrame, text_col: str = "span", tag_col: str = "tag", label_col: str = "dep", head_col: str = "head", ) -> None: """ Display a DataFrame in the format returned by :func:`make_tokens_and_features` using displaCy's dependency tree renderer. See for more information on displaCy. :param token_features: A subset of a token features DataFrame in the format returned by `make_tokens_and_features()`. Must at a minimum contain the `head` column and an integer index that corresponds to the ints in the `head` column. :param text_col: Name of the column in `token_features` from which the 'covered text' label for each node of the parse tree should be extracted, or `None` to leave those labels blank. :param tag_col: Name of the column in `token_features` from which the 'tag' label for each node of the parse tree should be extracted; or `None` to leave those labels blank. :param label_col: Name of the column in `token_features` from which the label for each edge of the parse tree should be extracted; or `None` to leave those labels blank. :param head_col: Name of the column in `token_features` from which the head node of each parse tree node should be extracted. """ import spacy.displacy return spacy.displacy.render( token_features_to_tree(token_features, text_col, tag_col, label_col, head_col), manual=True, )