Source code for

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#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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This module of Text Extensions for Pandas includes I/O functions related to the
Table Understanding capabilities of Watson Discovery.

Table Understanding is available as part of the `Watson Discovery component`_ for
`IBM Cloud Pak for Data`_,

Table Understanding is also available in `Watson Compare and Comply table extraction`_
on the IBM Cloud. Details of the Compare and Comply API and available features can be found at
For convenience, a Python SDK is available at that
can be used to authenticate and make requests to the service.

.. _`Watson Discovery component`:
.. _`IBM Cloud Pak for Data`:
.. _`Watson Compare and Comply table extraction`:

import pandas as pd
from typing import *
import regex
from import util

def _make_headers_df(headers_response):
    Parses the headers portion of the watson response and creates the header dataframe.
    :param headers_response: the ``row_header`` or ``column_header`` array as returned
    from the Watson response,

    :return: the completed header dataframe

    headers_df = util.make_dataframe(headers_response)
    headers_df = headers_df[
        ["text", "column_index_begin", "column_index_end", "row_index_begin", "row_index_end", "cell_id",
    return headers_df

def _make_body_cells_df(body_cells_response):
    parses the body_cells portion of the watson response and creates the body_cells dataframe.
    :param body_cells_response: the "body cells" array as returned from the watson response

    :return: the completed body_cells dataframe
    body_cells_df = util.make_dataframe(body_cells_response)
    if not "attributes.type" in body_cells_df.columns.to_list():
        body_cells_df["attributes.type"] = None
        body_cells_df["attributes.text"] = None
    body_cells_df = body_cells_df[
        ["text", "column_index_begin", "column_index_end", "row_index_begin", "row_index_end", "cell_id",
         "column_header_ids", "column_header_texts", "row_header_ids", "row_header_texts",
         "attributes.text", "attributes.type"]]
    return body_cells_df

def _explode_indexes(df, axis_type, drop_original=False):
    Performs an operation similar to explode, but uses the index of the cell as the differentiator.
    :param df: the input dataframe of body cells
    :param axis_type: either ``"row"`` or ``"column"``, determining which axis to be operating on.
    :param drop_original: Whether or not to drop the original column. Defaults to false

    :return: the original dataframe, modified as expected, and the name of the column created.
    df[f'{axis_type}_index'] = [list(range(r[f"{axis_type}_index_begin"], r[f"{axis_type}_index_end"] + 1)) for _, r in
    df = df.explode(f'{axis_type}_index')

    if drop_original:
        df.drop(columns=f"{axis_type}_index_begin", inplace=True)
    return df, [f'{axis_type}_index']

def _horiz_explode(df_in, column, drop_original=True):
    Horizontal explode is the default way of 'exploding' the dataframe. It taes a dataframe, and a column that needs
    to be exploded. All list type elements in that column will be seperated into new columns of name ``{
    original_column_name}_{n}``, where n is the position of the elment in the list.

     So the first element in a list in
    ``"row_header"`` column would end up in the ``"row_header_0"`` column, and the second would be in the
    ``"row_header_1`` column etc.

    :param df_in: the dataframe to explode
    :param column: the name of the column as a string to explode. The column should contain listlike elements
    :param drop_original: bool. if ``True``, the original column is removed, otherwise it is left as is.
    :return: the exploded dataframe, and the list of the names of the columns created, as a tuple
    # expands list of columns
    df = df_in.copy()
    # expand df.tags into its own dataframe
    tags = df[column].apply(pd.Series)
    tags = tags.rename(columns=lambda x: column + '_' + str(x))
    df = pd.concat([df[:], tags[:]], axis=1)

    if drop_original:
        df.drop(columns=column, inplace=True)
    return df, tags.columns.to_list()

def _strip_list(list):
    strips all empty elements from a list, returns the stripped list
    :param list: the list to be stripped
    :return: the stripped list
    return [x for x in list if x]

def _explode_by_concat(df_in, column, agg_by: str = " "):
    "shreds" the given field of the dataframe, by concatennating all elements of the given list of strings
    This is as compared with the "horizontal explode method, which separates out each element into its own column
    does not change the name of the column, simply replaces each list with the concatted form of itself.
    In some cases this may be a much more idiomatic way to deal with multilevel headers.
    :param df_in: the df to operate on
    :param column: the column in ``df_in`` to operate on
    :param agg_by: The character to place in between elements of the list. defaults to " " but can be set otherwise
    :return: the modified dataframe

    def agg_horiz_headers(series):
        series[column] = agg_by.join(series[column])
        return series

    df = df_in.copy()
    df = df.apply(agg_horiz_headers, axis=1)
    return df, [column]

def _generate_is_numeric_table(exploded_df, rows, cols):
    creates a 1:1 relation of the constructed dataframe, with boolean values as to whether or not a particular element
    in the dataframe is of a numeric datatype.
    :param exploded_df: the exploded form of the dataframe. Must contain the attributes.type field
    :param rows: list of column names in the exploded / shredded dataframe that indicate row headers
    :param cols: list of column names in the exploded / shredded dataframe that indicate column headers
    :return: the _is_numeric table; a 1-1 recreation of the original reconstructed table, with boolean values as to
            whether or not each cell is numeric or not as opposed to that cell's value
    list_of_numeric_labels = ["Number", "Percentage"]
    exploded_df['attributes.type'] = exploded_df['attributes.type'].apply(
        lambda a: a[0] if pd.api.types.is_list_like(a) and len(a) != 0 else a if type(a) == str else "None")

    numerics = make_table_from_exploded_df(exploded_df, rows, cols, value_col="attributes.type")
    numeric_cells = numerics == list_of_numeric_labels[0]
    for label in list_of_numeric_labels[1:]:
        numeric_cells = numeric_cells | (numerics == label)
    return numeric_cells

def _infer_numeric_rows_cols(exploded_df, row_names, col_names):
    intakes the exploded format of the dataframe, and uses it to infer which set of rows or columns are supposed to be
        numeric, then returns them as a list
    :param exploded_df: the exploded dataframe, (penultimate step of table reconstruction)
    :param row_names: the header names of columns in the exploded dataframe indicating row headers,
            (as returned from ``make_exploded_df()``)
    :param col_names: the header names of columns in the exploded dataframe indicating column headers,
            (as returned from ``make_exploded_df()``)
    :return: a tuple, in the form ``(numeric_rows, numeric_columns)`` where one of ``numeric_rows`` or
            ``numeric_columns`` is an empty list, and the other contains all row/columns that are of numeric type
    list_of_numeric_labels = ["Number", "Percentage"]

    numeric_cells = _generate_is_numeric_table(exploded_df, row_names, col_names)

    cols = []
    rows = []
    axis = None

    # if rows are unnamed they very likely are not numeric
    if row_names == ['row_index'] and not col_names == ['column_index']:
        axis = 0  # row centric
    elif col_names == ['column_index'] and not row_names == ['row_index']:
        axis = 1  # col centric
        # columns/rows with higher variance between numeric and non-numeric less likely to be the primary direction
        col_score = numeric_cells.std(axis=0).mean()
        row_score = numeric_cells.std(axis=1).mean()
        axis = 1 if col_score > row_score else 0

    is_num_scores = numeric_cells.sum(axis=axis) / numeric_cells.shape[axis]
    if axis == 1:
        rows = (is_num_scores[is_num_scores > .9].index.to_list())
    elif axis == 0:
        cols = (is_num_scores[is_num_scores > .9].index.to_list())

    return rows, cols

def _convert_val_to_numeric(val, cast_type=float, regex_exp='[^0-9.-()]'):
    converts a single value to a numeric type as specified, and removes all non-numeric characters
        If this is not possible, a warning is printed to the commandline and pd.NA is returned instead
    :param val: The value to be converted (a string)
    :param cast_type: the type to convert the value to
    :param regex_exp: the regex expression to remove non-numeric characters. this can be changed to change the decimal
                    point or to allow certian special characters
    :return: an int or float, extracted from the input val
    multiplier = 1

        stripped = regex.sub(regex_exp, '', val)
        if len(stripped) >= 2 and stripped[0] == '(' and stripped[-1] == ')':
            multiplier = multiplier*-1
            ans = cast_type(stripped[1:-1])
            ans = cast_type(regex.sub(regex_exp, '', val))
        ans = ans * multiplier
    except ValueError:
        ans = pd.NA
        print(f"ERROR READING VALUE:\"{val}\"\t Filling with <NA>")
    except TypeError:
        if type(val) in [float, int, cast_type]:
            ans = cast_type(val)
            print(f"ERROR READING VALUE:\"{val}\"\t Filling with <NA>")
            ans = pd.NA
    return ans

def _convert_labelled_numeric_items(table, exploded_df, row_header_cols, col_header_cols, decimal_pt='.',
    converts all elements in the table that are tagged as numeric type to a numeric type
    :param table:           The table to convert, as a pandas DataFrame
    :param exploded_df:     The exploded DataFrame, from last step of reconstruction
    :param row_header_cols: The names of the headers in the exploded dataframe that refer to row headers
    :param col_header_cols: The names of the headers in the exploded dataframe that refer to column headers
    :param decimal_pt:      the type of the decimal point being used
    :param cast_type:       The type that the element is to be cast to. Defaults to ``float``
    :return:        the converted DataFrame

    def convert_val(val):
        return _convert_val_to_numeric(val, cast_type, f'[^0-9{decimal_pt}()-]')

    numeric_cells = _generate_is_numeric_table(exploded_df, row_header_cols, col_header_cols)

    for i in range(table.shape[0]):
        table.iloc[i, :][numeric_cells.iloc[i, :]] = table.iloc[i, :][numeric_cells.iloc[i, :]].apply(convert_val)
    return table

[docs]def convert_cols_to_numeric(df_in: pd.DataFrame, columns=None, rows=None, decimal_pt='.', cast_type=float) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Converts inputted columns or rows to numeric format. If no columns are given, it converts all elements to numeric types Converts to type specified, if not, defaults to ``float`` type :param df_in: dataframe, (table type) to convert :param columns: columns to convert to numeric type, as a list of strings :param rows: rows to convert to numeric type, as a list of strings :param decimal_pt: what symbol is being used as the decimal point (typically ``"."`` or ``","`` :param cast_type: type to cast the object to, as a class. Defaults to ``float`` :return: the converted table. """ # converts inputted columns or rows to numeric format. # if none are given, it converts all elements to numeric types # converts to type given if columns is None and rows is None: columns = df_in.columns if columns is None: columns = [] if rows is None: rows = [] df = df_in.copy() def convert_val(val): return _convert_val_to_numeric(val, cast_type, f'[^0-9{decimal_pt}()-]') for column in columns: df[column] = df[column].apply(convert_val) for row in rows: df.loc[row] = df.loc[row].apply(convert_val) return df
def _order_multiindex(headers, exploded_col, spot, header_df): """ recursive function that orders a subset of headers of a multiindex table :param headers: the multiindex headers to be operating on :param exploded_col: the list of columns in the exploded set to act on :param spot: which header to act on; used for recursion accross multiindex sets :param header_df: the "row_header" or "column_header" dataframe, with the subset of headers used. :return: """ uniques = headers[spot].unique() uniques_sorted = header_df[header_df["text"].isin(uniques)].sort_values("column_index_begin")[ "text"].drop_duplicates().to_list() ans = [] for unique in uniques_sorted: if spot < (len(exploded_col) - 1): arr = _order_multiindex(headers.loc[unique], exploded_col, spot + 1, header_df) for ar in arr: ar.insert(0, unique) ans.append(ar) else: ans.append([unique]) return ans
[docs]def substitute_text_names(table_in, dfs_dict, sub_rows: bool = True, sub_cols: bool = True): """ :param table_in: Table to operate on :param dfs_dict: Parsed representation from Watson response :param sub_rows: Whether or not to attempt to substitute row headers :param sub_cols: Whether or not to attempt to substitute column headers :returns: The original table, but with row and column headers that were title ID's replaced by the plaintext header they actually correspond to """ table = table_in.copy() if sub_rows and dfs_dict["row_headers"] is not None: row_dict = dfs_dict["row_headers"].set_index("cell_id")["text"].to_dict() table.rename(index=row_dict, inplace=True) if sub_cols and dfs_dict["col_headers"] is not None: col_dict = dfs_dict["col_headers"].set_index("cell_id")["text"].to_dict() table.rename(columns=col_dict, inplace=True) return table
[docs]def parse_response(response: Dict[str, Any], select_table=None) -> Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]: """ Parse a response from Watson Table Understanding as a decoded JSON string. e.g. dictionary containing requested features and convert into a dict of Pandas DataFrames. The following features will be converted from the response: * Row headers * Column headers * Body cells More information on using Watson Table Extraction or the Compare and Comply API, see More information about available features can be found at :param response: A dictionary of features returned by the IBM Watson Compare and Comply web service API or a comparable Watson Discovery API :param table_number: Defaults to analyzing the first table, input a number here to analyze the nth table :return: A dictionary mapping feature names ("row_headers", "col_headers", "body_cells") to Pandas DataFrames """ return_dict = {} tables = response.get("tables", []) # if a tuple is used, of the form (feild, n) the nth table that meets the criterion is chosen if type(select_table) == tuple: select_no = select_table[1] select_table = select_table[0] else: # otherwise take the first table that meets the criterion select_no = 0 table_number = None if type(select_table) == int: table_number = select_table elif type(select_table) == str: select_no_temp = select_no for i, table in enumerate(tables): if table["title"] != {} and select_table.lower() in table["title"]["text"].lower(): table_number = i if table_number is None: # if that didn't work, look at section title select_no_temp = select_no for i, table in enumerate(tables): if table["section_title"] != {} and select_table.lower() in table["section_title"]["text"].lower(): table_number = i if select_no_temp == 0: break else: select_no_temp = select_no_temp - 1 if table_number is None: table_number = 0 table = tables[table_number] plain_text = table.get("text") table_title = table.get("text") # Create Row headers DataFrame row_headers = table.get("row_headers", []) if len(row_headers) != 0: row_headers_df = _make_headers_df(row_headers) return_dict["row_headers"] = row_headers_df else: return_dict["row_headers"] = None # Create Column headers DataFrame column_headers = table.get("column_headers", []) if len(column_headers) != 0: column_headers_df = _make_headers_df(column_headers) return_dict["col_headers"] = column_headers_df else: return_dict["col_headers"] = None # Create body cells dataframe body_cells = table.get("body_cells", []) body_cells_df = _make_body_cells_df(body_cells) body_cells_df["column_header_texts"] = body_cells_df["column_header_texts"].apply(_strip_list) body_cells_df["row_header_texts"] = body_cells_df["row_header_texts"].apply(_strip_list) return_dict["body_cells"] = body_cells_df return_dict["given_loc"] = table["location"] return return_dict
[docs]def get_raw_html(doc_response, parsed_table): """ :param doc_response: JSON response from the Watson Table Understanding enrichment :param parsed_table: Table pulled out of the response by functions in this model :returns: Raw HTML for the table's original document markup """ raw_html = doc_response["document"]["html"] given_begin = parsed_table["given_loc"]["begin"] given_end = parsed_table["given_loc"]["end"] table_begin = raw_html[:given_begin].rfind("<table") table_end = raw_html[given_end:].find("</table") html = raw_html[table_begin:given_end] return html
[docs]def make_table(dfs_dict: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame], value_col="text", row_explode_by: str = None, col_explode_by: str = None, concat_with: str = " | ", convert_numeric_items:bool =True, sort_headers:bool=True, prevent_id_explode:bool =False): """ Runs the end-to-end process of creating the table, starting with the parsed response from the Compare & Comply or Watson Discovery engine, and returns the completed table. :param dfs_dict: The dictionary of {features : DataFrames} returned by watson_tables_parse_response :param value_col: Which column to use as values. by default "text" :param row_explode_by: If specified, set the method used to explode rows, instead of the default logic being applied if "title", the title field will be used to arrange rows if "title_id", the title_id feild will be used to arrange rows if "index", the row / column locations given will be used to arrange rows :param col_explode_by: if specified, set the method used to explode columns, instead of the default logic bing applied if "title", the title field will be used to arrange rows if "title_id", the title_id feild will be used to arrange rows if "index", the row / column locations given will be used to arrange rows :param concat_with: the delimiter to use when concatinating duplicate entries. Using an empty string, "" will fuse entries :param convert_numeric_items: if `True`, auto-detect and convert numeric rows and columns to numeric datatypes :param sort_headers: If ``True`` the headers will be sorted into their original ordering from the table. Will be a little slower. Note: sorting headers is still experimental on multindex tables where not all headers have the same number of elements :param prevent_id_explode: If ``True``, prevents default behaviour of exploding by index, which creates higher-fidelity versions of the parsed output, but may make more complex and less idiomatic tables. This does not affect behaviour when either `row_explode_by` or `column_explode_by` are set to `"title_id"` :return: the reconstructed table. should be a 1:1 translation of original table """ #use special mode if no explode by method is specified; explode by id then substitute names row_headers_by_id = row_explode_by is None and not prevent_id_explode col_headers_by_id = col_explode_by is None and not prevent_id_explode row_explode_by = "title_id" if row_headers_by_id else row_explode_by col_explode_by = "title_id" if col_headers_by_id else col_explode_by exploded, row_heading_names, col_heading_names = make_exploded_df(dfs_dict, row_explode_by=row_explode_by, col_explode_by=col_explode_by, keep_all_cols=True) table = make_table_from_exploded_df(exploded, row_heading_names, col_heading_names, value_col=value_col, concat_with=concat_with, convert_numeric_items=convert_numeric_items, dfs_dict=dfs_dict, sort_headers=sort_headers) table = substitute_text_names(table,dfs_dict,row_headers_by_id,col_headers_by_id) return table
[docs]def make_exploded_df(dfs_dict: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame], drop_original: bool = True, row_explode_by: str = None, col_explode_by: str = None, keep_all_cols: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, list, list]: """ Creates a value-attribute mapping, mapping the column values to header or row number values this is a preliminary stage to creating the final table, but may be a useful intermediary :param dfs_dict: The dictionary of {features : DataFrames} returned by watson_tables_parse_response :param drop_original: drop the original column location information. defaults to True :param row_explode_by: If specified, set the method used to explode rows, instead of the default logic being applied: if "title", the title field will be used to arrange rows if "title_id", the title_id feild will be used to arrange rows if "index", the row / column locations given will be used to arrange rows :param col_explode_by: if specified, set the method used to explode columns, instead of the default logic bing applied if "title", the title field will be used to arrange rows if "title_id", the title_id feild will be used to arrange rows if "index", the row / column locations given will be used to arrange rows :param keep_all_cols: if false, keep only attributes necessary for constructing final table. gets overridden if drop_original is False. :return: a table mapping values to attributes (either headings or row numbers if no headings exist) """ body = dfs_dict["body_cells"] if col_explode_by is None: if (not dfs_dict["col_headers"] is None) and len(dfs_dict["col_headers"]) != 0: col_explode_by = "title" else: col_explode_by = "index" if row_explode_by is None: if (not dfs_dict["row_headers"] is None) and len(dfs_dict["row_headers"]) != 0: row_explode_by = "title" else: row_explode_by = "index" if col_explode_by == "title": exploded, col_header_names = _horiz_explode(body, "column_header_texts", drop_original=drop_original) elif col_explode_by == "title_id": # prevent from crashing if no column headers exist if (dfs_dict["col_headers"] is None) or len(dfs_dict["col_headers"]) == 0: exploded, col_header_names = _explode_indexes(body, "column", drop_original=drop_original) else: exploded, col_header_names = _horiz_explode(body, "column_header_ids", drop_original=drop_original) elif col_explode_by == "index": exploded, col_header_names = _explode_indexes(body, "column", drop_original=drop_original) elif col_explode_by == "concat": if (dfs_dict["col_headers"] is None) or len(dfs_dict["col_headers"]) == 0: exploded, col_header_names = _explode_indexes(body, "column", drop_original=drop_original) else: exploded, col_header_names = _explode_by_concat(body, "column_header_texts") else: exploded = body col_header_names = [] if row_explode_by == "title": exploded, row_header_names = _horiz_explode(exploded, "row_header_texts", drop_original=drop_original) elif row_explode_by == "title_id": # prevent from crashing if no column headers exist if (dfs_dict["row_headers"] is None) or len(dfs_dict["row_headers"]) == 0: exploded, row_header_names = _explode_indexes(exploded, "row", drop_original=drop_original) else: exploded, row_header_names = _horiz_explode(exploded, "row_header_ids", drop_original=drop_original) elif row_explode_by == "index": exploded, row_header_names = _explode_indexes(exploded, "row", drop_original=drop_original) elif row_explode_by == "concat": if (dfs_dict["row_headers"] is None) or len(dfs_dict["row_headers"]) == 0: exploded, row_header_names = _explode_indexes(exploded, "row", drop_original=drop_original) else: exploded, row_header_names = _explode_by_concat(exploded, "row_header_texts") else: exploded = exploded row_header_names = [] if drop_original and not keep_all_cols: cols_to_keep = ["text"] + row_header_names + col_header_names + ["attributes.type"] exploded = exploded[cols_to_keep] return exploded, row_header_names, col_header_names
[docs]def make_table_from_exploded_df(exploded_df: pd.DataFrame, row_heading_cols, column_heading_cols, dfs_dict=None, value_col: str = "text", concat_with: str = " | ", convert_numeric_items=False, sort_headers=True) -> pd.DataFrame: """ takes in the exploded dataframe, and converts it into the reconstructed table :param exploded_df: The exploded dataframe, as returned by `make_exploded_df` :param row_heading_cols: the names of the columns referring to row headings (as outputted from make_exploded_df()) :param column_heading_cols: the names of the columns referring to column headings (as outputted from make_exploded_df()) :param value_col: the name of the column to use for the value of each cell. Defaults to 'text' :param concat_with: the delimiter to use when concatinating duplicate entries. Using an empty string, "" will fuse entries :param dfs_dict: Dictionary parsed from initial step of table reconstruction. Is required to re-order columns into their original format. If not, the reordering will not take place :param convert_numeric_items: if True, rows or columns with numeric items will be detected and converted to floats or ints :param sort_headers: If ``True`` the headers will be sorted into their original ordering from the table. Will be a little slower. Note: sorting headers is still experimental on multindex tables where not all headers have the same number of elements :return: the reconstructed table. should be a 1:1 translation of original table, but both machine and human readable """ for heading_col in (row_heading_cols + column_heading_cols): exploded_df[heading_col].fillna("", inplace=True) table = exploded_df.pivot_table(index=row_heading_cols, columns=column_heading_cols, values=value_col, aggfunc=(lambda a: concat_with.join(a))) if type(table) == pd.Series: table = table.to_frame() row_nones = [None for _ in range((table.index.nlevels))] col_nones = [None for _ in range((table.columns.nlevels))] table = table.rename_axis(index=row_nones, columns=col_nones) if convert_numeric_items: num_rows, num_cols = _infer_numeric_rows_cols(exploded_df, row_heading_cols, column_heading_cols) table = convert_cols_to_numeric(table, num_cols, num_rows) if sort_headers and column_heading_cols != ["column_index"] and len( column_heading_cols) == 1 and dfs_dict is not None: col_headings = table.columns.to_list() cols = dfs_dict["col_headers"][dfs_dict["col_headers"]["text"].isin(col_headings)] cols = cols.sort_values("column_index_begin") col_headings_sorted = cols["text"].to_list() not_inc_headings = [x for x in col_headings if x not in col_headings_sorted] col_headings_sorted = col_headings_sorted + not_inc_headings table = table[col_headings_sorted] elif sort_headers and column_heading_cols != ["column_index"] and len( column_heading_cols) > 1 and dfs_dict is not None: headers = table.columns.to_frame() sorted_headers_arr = _order_multiindex(headers, column_heading_cols, 0, dfs_dict["col_headers"]) sorted_headers = [tuple(header) for header in sorted_headers_arr] not_inc_headings = [x for x in table.columns.to_list() if x not in sorted_headers] sorted_headers = sorted_headers + not_inc_headings table = table[sorted_headers] if sort_headers and row_heading_cols != ["row_index"] and len(row_heading_cols) == 1 and dfs_dict is not None: row_headings = table.index.to_list() rows = dfs_dict["row_headers"][dfs_dict["row_headers"]["text"].isin(row_headings)] rows = rows.sort_values("row_index_begin") row_headings_sorted = rows["text"].to_list() not_inc_headings = [x for x in row_headings if x not in row_headings_sorted] row_headings_sorted = row_headings_sorted + not_inc_headings table = table.reindex(row_headings_sorted) elif sort_headers and row_heading_cols != ["column_index"] and len(row_heading_cols) > 1 and dfs_dict is not None: headers = table.index.to_frame() sorted_headers_arr = _order_multiindex(headers, row_heading_cols, 0, dfs_dict["row_headers"]) sorted_headers = [tuple(header) for header in sorted_headers_arr] not_inc_headings = [x for x in table.index.to_list() if x not in sorted_headers] sorted_headers = sorted_headers + not_inc_headings table = table.reindex(sorted_headers) return table